Bond…. James Bond themed events Norwich

Last weekend saw us putting on a James Bond themed event in the marquee at Drayton Old Lodge. It was a 21st Birthday party for the lovely Josephine, and what a fab evening it was! The guests were great, the food was amazing, and the venue was perfect for such an event… plenty big enough for us to put up our James Bond extras with our 8 foot Golden Guns each side of the red carpet entrance.

This is what Josephine had to say afterwards….

“Thank you again for making last night awesome, everyone has said how amazing the casino was!! x 🙂 “

Check out the pics below, and if you’d like to put on such an event give us a call on 01493 700669 or send an email to We’re here to help!

Red carpet 'Golden Gun' entrance at Drayton Old Lodge

The dance floor, with Skyfall sign, Bond props, and secret agent silhouettes

The lovely Leila, Casino 'High Roller' for the evening receives her prize!

Charity Fundraising Ideas

So you want to raise money for a good cause and are looking to do something just a little bit different? Well a fun casino may be just what you are looking for!

Fun Casinos are exciting for your guests, giving them an authentic taste of a casino atmosphere and the opportunity to have fun and win some great prizes… all whilst donating to a cause close to their hearts.

Here are some details about how we would run your evening…

At the start of the gaming period we will explain the games and give all your guests some ‘fun money’, (maybe $20 each) so they can have a free bet and get the gambling bug. After that they must buy in for more fun money for cash from a ‘cash desk’ put on by you. This can just be someone sitting at a small table selling the $100 bills we’ll give you for £5 or £10 each, depending on what you consider appropriate for your guests. The fun money can then be exchanged for chips on the tables. We’ll keep track of who has the most money and half an hour before the end of the gaming we’ll put the chip leaders onto a final table for a ‘play-off’ and the winners will win the prizes you have supplied, plus a Fun Casino Events tournament winner trophy supplied by us.

For you to maximize your fundraising on the night it’s a good idea to get local businesses to sponsor the casino, or a table, in exchange for some promotion on the night. We recently did a fundraiser at Taverham Hall School where the whole casino was sponsored by a company named Poultex, so all money we raised went to the charity. To make it attractive to businesses, we can put their promotional material on the tables, on any advertising you do to promote the event, we can mention and thank them frequently on the night, plus we can add their logos to the fun money if they wish.

We can also do a ‘roulette raffle’ every 30 or 60 minutes, giving everyone a chance to win cash each time. We’ll sell 37 tickets (one for each of the numbers on the wheel) and when they are all sold we’ll announce ‘next spin is the roulette raffle’. We then spin the ball and the person with that number will win 50% of the take with the rest going to the charity. This is the only way we can actually give cash prizes at a fun casino so is popular with guests.

37 tickets at £2 each = £74 – winner and charity get £37 each

37 tickets at £3 each = £111 – winner and charity get £55.50 each

37 tickets at £5 each = £185 – winner and charity get £92.50 each

There are other ways to raise funds too, plus themed events such as Las Vegas Nights, or James Bond Nights, to add a bit of extra sparkle. If you’d like to chat about your particular requirements you can start by sending an email to with ‘charity fundraiser’ in the subject line. Be sure to add your contact number so we can give you a call back right away.

Why not use our Casino to raise funds for your School?

A couple of months back we ran a casino at a fundraiser for Taverham Hall School. A meal was served in the marquee while champagne flowed, and we set up 3 casino tables in their fantastic location, and then entertained their guests until the witching hour!

The casino was sponsored by Poultex, and with the school selling personalised ‘fun money’ (supplied by us) for £5 per $100, lots of much needed cash was raised for the school and lots of fun was had by all the participants.

If you’re looking for ideas to raise cash for your school, why not give us a call and see what we can do for you!

An example of the fun money supplied by us - The casino was sponsored by Poultex